#Why Choose Alveare Tattoo

About Alveare

Tanta est natura rerum, ut prope ex umbra minima animalis incomparabile effecerit quiddam. Quos efficaciae industriaeque tantae comparemus nervos, quas vires?

Gaio Plinio Secondo (Como, ’23 – Stabia, ’79) – Naturalis Historia, Book XI

La natura è così grande che in questa minuscola parvenza di animale ha ricavato qualcosa di incomparabile. Quali muscoli, quali forze potremmo paragonare a tanta abilità e laboriosità

Set Heading

Alveare: The Tattoo Art

The beehive is the symbol of the skill and dedication of the artists and collaborators, united states, to offer our customers an experience that goes beyond simple tattooing. Create a refined and exclusive environment where you can relax, while your body becomes a wonderful canvas, unique, and precious.

It is only in an environment like ours that the tattoo is transformed from a mere sign of recognition in an ART, that art form dynamics, which are nourished by the experiences of the customer and of the empathy of the artist.
It is a human art, intimate and universal at the same time, able to grow, change and mature, acquiring new meanings.
But, first of all, expresses all the beauty that each of us carries within himself.

Do you want to join the Team of Alveare Tattoo

Join our team of Artists dedicated. Tell us why you want to join our Team and send us your CV using the appropriate form.

Sic nos non nobis mellificamus apes.

Publio Virgilio Marone (Cisalpine Gaul 70 bc – Brindisi 19 bc)

So, like us, bees produce honey not for ourselves.

About Barbara Corbucci

Barbara began her artistic career as an Architect and as a Painter in 2009.

Wins, immediately after graduation, the Young Design Award and competition of painting Artegante.In 2016, he approached the world of tattoo artist sketch/watercolor, but in a short time, in addition to refine his technique, he begins to mature the idea of combining much as possible, the tattoo with the world of art.

It was one of the first in Italy to have a tattoo with reproductions of paintings and today his style, which mixes elements of painting with geometric shapes and elements botanical/floral is an unmistakable trademark of often of inspiration for other artists.

the largest sources of inspiration of barbara are the elements and natural landscapes, the works of studio ghibli and the great impressionists of the late ‘800.

[…] Huius apes summum densae mirabile dictu stridore ingenti liquidum trans aethera vectae obsedere apicem,

Publio Virgilio Marone (Cisalpine Gaul 70 bc – Brindisi 19 bc) – the Aeneid

[...] The bees come in numerous, wonderful to say, in the clear air with the huge buzz occupied the top of it

About Damiano Bianchi

Damiano graduated in 2004 and started to take care of marketing and communications for one of the major Italian companies in the sector of restoration of monuments, interacting with officials of the ministry of cultural heritage and forged important relationships with the special superintendence of the museums of naples and with the senior officials of Mi.BAC.

During his early years of work participates in the restoration of some areas of the Pantheon in Rome, of the walls of the Cittadella (PD), roman forum (Rome), Museum of San Martino, Naples, Certosa di Capri (Napoli), Museum of Capodimonte, Naples, Conservatorio di Fiesole (Florence), etc.

Always moved by the spirit of the company in 2012 opens its restoration company.

At the same time he cultivated his musical career as a songwriter and musician leads him on stages all over the world with his band Poison Garden.

For the band Damiano in addition to writing music and lyrics takes care of all the management and implements personally all the costumes.

Ever hungry for new projects in 2020, he founded together with his partner, Barbara the Alveare, in the see of Frascati (Rome), two years later, in 2022 Is also open in the second study, of Verona, and the Alveare Academy, to also deal with high training for tattoo artists, of which Damiano is one of the main teachers.